On 14 Aug 2000, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The idea would be twofold:
> >    1. time() would still return UNIX epoch time. However, it
> >       would not be in core, and would not be the primary
> >       timekeeping method. It would be in Time::Local for 
> >       compatibility (along with localtime and gmtime).
> >    2. mjdate() would return MJD. It _would_ be in core, and
> >       it _would_ be the internal timekeeping method. All
> >       of the new date functions would be designed to be based
> >       off of it.


> By comparison, who uses MJD?  Practically no one.  It's a theoretically
> nice time scale, but outside of the astronomy community, how many people
> even have any idea what it is?

In one of my previous posts I was simply suggesting that the Date object
(whatever it is) should have a method to return the internal format
(seconds, mjd, whatever) to allow for simple date arithmetic without
having to do anything more complicated. unix seconds and mjd both will
allow this.

> This appears to be a proposal to replace a *very* well-known time base
> with very well-known and commonly-used properties with a time base that
> practically no one knows or currently uses just because some of its epoch
> properties make slightly more sense.  Unless I'm missing something
> fumdamental here, this strikes me as a horrible idea.

Of course, "seconds since 1970" is only obvious to unix systems
programmers. "Number of days since XXX" is just as valid for someone
coming to the language from a different direction and at least has some
kind of basis outside of computing.

> Unix's time representation format has no fundamental problems that aren't
> simple implementation issues.  Negative values represent times before 1970
> just fine.  The range problem is easily solved by making it a 64-bit
> value, something that apparently we'd need to do with an MJD-based time
> anyway.  And everyone already knows how it works and often relies on the
> base being consistent with their other applications.

MJD is doable with current perl 32bit doubles. I use it all the time in
perl programs and am not suffering from a lack of precision.

In fact RFC #7 ("Higher Resolution time values") suggests that the
concept of "number of seconds since epoch" will have to make room for
fractions of a second anyway.

Tim Jenness
JCMT software engineer/Support scientist

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