Chaim Frenkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>>> "RA" == Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> RA> This will be completely impossible to implement in some installation
> RA> environments, such as AFS or read-only remote NFS mounts.  I really
> RA> don't like software that tries to play dynamic compilation tricks;
> RA> please just compile at installation time and then leave it alone.

> This isn't really a problem.

I'm sorry, but yes, it is.

> Purify does this already.

And Purify is a pain in the neck to install in AFS.  It's one of the
hardest software packages that we have to support because of the cache
directory.  We tried to maintain it like it's supposed to work, and it
failed miserably.  We finally had to give up completely and wrap Purify to
redirect the cache directory into /tmp, losing the entire benefits of the
cache directory, because anything else was just completely unworkable.

I cannot emphasize too much how bad of an idea this is.  It sounds great
if you've got a single machine with a single local read-write file system
and you trust all your users with a world-writeable directory; in *any*
other situation, it's a recipe for severe annoyance, if not disaster.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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