>   JH> An OS problem and a build environment (cross-compilation, yuk)
>   JH> problem.  I once managed to compile miniperl (5.005) for Chorus.
>   JH> I'm about to unearth the cross-compilation changes I had to make to
>   JH> get that working.  (You thought Configure was hairy enough already?
>   JH> Think again: the test executables have transfered to and run on the

I forgot: also the input files need to transferred to the target.

> but you seem to agree that porting to most embedded type systems is more
> of an OS (and testing!) issue than compilation. if other complex enough

I think there are true limits imposed by the more limited CPUs like
address space.  I think there might be nasty assumptions one easily
makes that work only on 32-bit or more address spaces.

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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