From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> At 11:09 PM 3/23/2001 +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:
> >
> > For instance, chr() will produce Unicode codepoints. But
> > you can pretend that they're ASCII codepoints, it's only
> > the EBCDIC folk that'll get hurt. I hope and suspect
> > there'll be an equivalent of "use bytes" which makes
> > chr(256) either blow up or wrap around.
> Actually no it won't. If the string you're doing a chr on is 
> tagged as EBCDIC, you'll get the EBCDIC value. Yes, it does
> mean that this:
>     chr($foo) == chr($bar);
> could evaluate to false if one of the strings is EBCDIC and
> the other isn't. Odd but I don't see a good reason not to.
> Otherwise we'd want to force everything to Unicode, and then
> what do we do if one of the strings is plain binary data?

Someone please clue me in. A pointer to an RFC which defines the use of
colons in Perl6 among other things would help.

Why not have subsequent uses of : on the same variable name perform a cast?
Or perhaps better returned the casted value?

$foo : EBCDIC = 'A';  # declares $foo as EDCDIC typed string
$bar = $foo : UTF8-C; # assigns cast value of $foo to $bar
$bar := UTF8-D;       # casts $bar to different string type

ord($foo) != ord($bar);
ord($foo : utf8) == ord($bar : utf8);

If there is a default string type... perhaps it could be:

ord($foo:) == ord($bar:);


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