> Oh, for heaven's sake, don't be silly. Our goal is to write Perl 6.
> We haven't done that yet. That was our goal, so we failed?

Don't be ridiculous. With that as our goal, the ONLY way we could fail is to
NEVER write Perl 6. Unicode, on the other hand, was originally released for
public consumption way back in 1991. There are 10 additional releases since
then. None of which have been 'complete' solutions.
There's nothing 'wrong' or 'bad' with an incomplete solution, provided that we
don't assume that it is one. Perl 6, as Perl 5, will be an 'incomplete'
solution by itself, but I wouldn't have it any other way :-). If it was to be a
complete solution, we could name it Perl "Unicode character 221E" ;-).
This will not be resolved here. There will be many more papers on how Unicode
fails to include this or that character or sets, and there will also be papers
on how "such-and-such" shouldn't be 'worthy' of inclusion. That's the process.
All that I'm saying is that we shouldn't assume this to be the end-all-be-all.
Perl 6 (and every other version of Perl) needs to make as few assumptions as
possible about what it will be handed, and should make considerations for the
next "big thing".

Grant M.

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