On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 09:06:09AM -0400, NeonEdge wrote:
> > Oh, for heaven's sake, don't be silly. Our goal is to write Perl 6.
> > We haven't done that yet. That was our goal, so we failed?
> Don't be ridiculous. With that as our goal, the ONLY way we could fail is to
> NEVER write Perl 6. 

Exactly. Same goes for Unicode. And pretty much every other standard, in
fact. These things evolve. They're *never* done. I don't see anyone
claiming that they *are* done, but I see you telling us that they should
be regarded as a failure if they're not done. Uh, great. So they're
incomplete. So what?

In this talk, I would like to speculate a little, on ... the development
of intelligent life. I shall take this to include the human race, even
though much of its behaviour throughout history has been pretty
stupid... - Stephen Hawking

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