On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 05:03:17PM -0700, Damien Neil wrote:
> I can say that I feel that providing a mechanism for Hiragana
> characters to match Katakana and vice-versa is about as useful for a
> person doing Japanese text processing as case-insensitive matching is
> for a person working with English.

I'd say it was about as useful as providing a regexp option to translate
the search term into French and try that instead.[1] Handy, possibly.
Essential? No. Something that should be part of the core? I'll leave
that for you to decide.

What next, you want to maybe add Japanese and Chinese readings for all
the kanji and convert between them too? That would be *considerably*
more useful. :)

[1] katakana signifies "The following text is not in Japanese", except
    when it doesn't.

The Messiah will come.  There will be a resurrection of the dead -- all
the things that Jews believed in before they got so damn sophisticated.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane

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