--- Brian Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, what if we did IFF with these caveats:
>       * all chunks must be padded to 4 bytes (instead of IFF's
> 2)
>       * no nesting of FORMs 
> Chunks we'd need are:
> Name:         'PINF' - Parrot Information
> Size:         28 bytes + size of directory
> Optional:     No
> Data:
>       long            magic cookie (or will PINF) be enough?
>       8-byte word:    endianness (magic value
> 0x123456789abcdef0)
>       byte:           word size
>       byte[7]:        empty
>       word:           major version
>       word:           minor version
>       long            count of directory entries
>       --- directory goes here ---
>       -- each entry as follows --
>       long            type of chunk
>       long            offset
> Name:         'PBYT' - Parrot Bytecode
> Size:         Varies
> Optional:     Sure. :)
> Data:
>       bytes of the bytecode
> Name:         'PSTR' - Parrot String Table 
> Size:         Varies
> Optional:     Yes
> Data:
>       long            Count of string entries
>       --- each string as follows ---
>       long            byte length
>       n bytes + pad   string data
> Name:         'PFIX' - Parrot Fixup Table
> Size:         Varies
> Optional:     Yes
> Data:
>       --- beats me...how are we doing fixups? ---
> Name:         'PNOT' - Parrot Notes Block
> Size:         Varies
> Optional:     Yes
> Data:
>       free-form text for 'notes' about the file.
> How's this?

A few more chunks:

Name:             'PCON' - Parrot Constants Block
Size:             Varies
Optional:         Yes
Data:             the constants section (you know, all
                  intialized PMCs... :-)

Name:             'PSOU' - Parrot Source Block
Size:             Varies
Optional:         Yes
Data:             the source code for the program

Name:             'PMOD' - Parrot Module list
Size:             Varies
Optional:         Yes
Data:             the list of all the modules that need to 
                  be loaded for this module to work (since
                  there may be a lot of time between
                  and execution, we need to record just
                  was loaded so we can reload and

Name:             'PSYM' - Parrot symbol table
Size:             Varies
Optional:         Yes
Data:             an offset-based hash table for every 
                  symbol defined in the module (dynamic
                  symbol table manipulation is two-level -
                  an in-memory table that is queried first
                  for dynamic overrides and the static per-
                  module one for compile-time definitions)

Name:             'PSPS' Parrot Special Subroutines
Size:             Varies
Optional:         Yes
Data:             word: number of special routines
                  (followed by a list of
                     word: type
                     word: bytecode offset
                  pairs) (the point of this is that
                  BEGIN/INIT/CHECK/END subs are allowed, so
                  they can't be simply stored in the symbol

There are probably some other sections I can't think of,
but these are a start.

-- BKS

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