Some questions about implementation:
which scenarios?:
1.> external text-file strings (name=value?) chosen at run-time
2.> Parrot build-time embedded strings (language chosen at configure)

Do we want to break the messages into sets, such that <256 is 'fatal', 256
to 511 is 'warning', 512 to 767 is 'informational', and 768 to 1023 is 'UI'?

I remember somewhere where each user could specify their list of preferred
languages in descending order (i.e., "en; fr; de; ..."), and the application
would choose based upon available string files (a .parrc file?), defaulting
back to the build-time language. Is this something that makes sense at this
level, or should we just ask the user to specify an ENV variable? Is there a
better way?

Also, do we want to embed sprintf formatting in the strings, or should that
be appended data? Perhaps some standardization of all error strings to be
something on the order of:
perror(int error_id, char *val_1_name, char *val_1, \
         char *val_2_name, char *val_2, ... )

which would print to stderr like so:
error_id: (char *)string_lookup(error_id)\n
    *val_1_name: *val_1\n
    *val_2_name: *val_2\n
make sense?
Grant M.

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