At 09:42 AM 9/24/2001 -0700, Wizard wrote:
>Some questions about implementation:
>which scenarios?:
>1.> external text-file strings (name=value?) chosen at run-time
>2.> Parrot build-time embedded strings (language chosen at configure)
>Do we want to break the messages into sets, such that <256 is 'fatal', 256
>to 511 is 'warning', 512 to 767 is 'informational', and 768 to 1023 is 'UI'?

I'd rather choose low bits for the general status. (And my tendency is to 
snag the VMS standard, as its as good as anything else)

As for the rest, it really beats me--I have close to zero experience in the 
area, so I'm not comfortable making a declaration. I'd assume the best 
thing to do is hand off an error code and parameters, and the I18N stuff 
looks up the appropriate error message from the local catalog (probably set 
at perl compile time or via an ENV entry or system locale or something) and 
spits out a formatted error.

I'd love it if someone with more I18N experience than me would draft up a 
proposal, even if it's "We should do what ZZZ does, which is..."


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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