> Just curious, do we need a dedicated zero register and sink register?
> The zero register always reads zero, and can not be written. The sink
> register can not be read, and write to it can be ignored.

I brain-stormed this idea a while ago, and here's what I came up with.
We're not RISC, so we don't need to worry about mapping "mov %r1 -> %r2"
to "or %r1, %r0 -> %r2", which is probably the most common use.
Additionally we'll always be able to use constants of size 32/64bits.
RISC could only use 8-22bit constants so often times it was easiest to
operate on a full 32bit zero.  We could always add a second constant
parameter to an instruction if it was demed useful enough.

As for a bit-buck, I can't imagine why you'd use it.  Side effects and
no-ops are all I can remember them ever being useful for.  But again we're
not RISC, we have a no-op, and can add separate functions for

Lastly, the main reason I say no:

AUTO_OP add_i_i_i {
  int p2_val = 0, p3_val = 0;
  if ( P2 != 0 ) {
    p2_val = REG_INT(P2);
  if ( P3 != 0 ) {
    p3_val = REG_INT(P3);
  if ( P1 == 0 ) {
  } else {
    REG_INT(P1) = p2_val+p3_val;

Any questions?

You could have an optimizer convert all %i0 to constants and rearrange the
op-code so it maps to a real one, but you could just have had the compiler
produce proper code in the first place.  I don't think we're looking to
use assembly as one of the "supported" language layers.  Due to it's
propensity to change.


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