Dan gave a list a bit ago about some minimal assumptions about how we'll deal 
with memory.  I've been researching various memory management techniques, and 
I'm noticing that various optimizations can occur if certain assumptions are 
made.. It's still early in the game, but I thought it might be helpful to see 
if we could identify any other "truths" that we can take advantage in 
selecting an algorithm.

Are we allowing _any_ dynamic memory to be non-GC-managed?  I assume that 
there are core parts / naive-extensions that assume a malloc/free memory 
model.  While we could always define free as an empty macro, I think it would 
be to our benifit to utilize regular mem managers where possible.  Further, 
our memory format wouldn't necessarily be compatible with external libraries 

Can we assume that a "buffer object" is ONLY accessible by a single 
reverse-path-to-PMC?  PMC's or array-buffers can point to other PMC's, so 
it's possible to have multiple paths from the root to an object, but I'm 
asking if, for example, we could use an algorithm that relied upon the fact 
that it only has one direct parent.

I believe Dan said that we _could_ assume that PMC's were unmovable, but are 
we requiring this?  This is related to the next question.

Are _all_ handles (PMC's, Strings, or whatever) that serve as root-set 
elements dynamically allocated?  Or can c-code declare PMC-structs instead of 
PMC-structs-pointers?  That Dan defined a "foreign access" portion of the 
root-set suggests to me that c-code might acquire it's own handles (though we 
can enforce an API for their allocation).  This is important because we do 
have to perform garbage collection on the handles.  If a register-stack is 
decremented, for example, valid pointers to PMC's / string would become 
garbage that requires some sort of collection.  While this is easy enough to 
manage, a heterogenous pool of handles would complicate things (and 
disqualify many desirable algorithms).  I'm evaluating algorithms for the 
handles which requires prepending a linked-list.  It's easily hidden away and 
thus ignored by non memory manager algorithms IFF we require that all handles 
be allocated by the API.  This will be especially important since root-set 
navigation in it's raw form will be slow due to the complex nature of some 

That's all for now.


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