Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In the good ol'days, one could usefully use regexes on 8-bit binary data,
> > eg
> > 
> > open G, 'myfile.gif' or die;
> > read G, $buf, 8192 or die;
> > if ($buf =~ /^GIF89a\x08\x02/) {
> >     .....
> > 
> > where it was clear to everyone that we are checking whether the first few
> > bytes of the file contain (0x47, 0x49, ..., 0x02)
> > 
> > Is this sort of thing now completely dead in the Brave New World of
> Of course not, I do not remember forbiddding \xHH.  The default of
> data coming in from filehandles could still be opaque 8-bit bytes.

Good :-)

I'm not clear though, how binary data could get passed to parrot's
regex engine, unless there's a BINARY_8 CEF in addition to
UNICODE_CEF_UTF_8 etc in C<typedef enum {...} PARROT_CEF>


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