Title: RE: Parrot Trooper

From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> At 7:09 AM -0500 2/6/02, Gregor N. Purdy wrote:
> >Melvin --
> >
> >
> >>  I'd like to do a Parrot Trooper t-shirt or something along > >>  those lines. Maybe some of you guys have some cool theme

> >>  we could use, but I'd like to do it like an award basis so
> >>  when someone did something particularly noteworthy or
> >>  applaudable (spelling?) for the cause we could stick one
> >>  in the mail. This way it would be a little exclusive.
> >>
> >>  Just an idea. Let me know...
> >
> >I think it should say:
> >
> >   All your interpreter are belong to us.
> >   All your compiler are irrelevant.
> >   Insistence is futile.
> >   Your will be simulated.
> >
> >(with a tip of the hat to Dan).
> And another towards the originators of the original
> Japanglish. :)
> I like it. I've got some art-deco Parrot EPS files kicking
> around we could use. (Though I have this temptation to make
> an O'Really T-shirt. I just can't think of something
> appropriate)

Hmm... I'm not an artist, so you won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it. -I whipped this little guy up in a couple minutes in Microsoft Paint. I could probably doodle others in different poses, etc. If you're looking for a muscle-bound gun toting parrot... that is a bit beyond my meager skills. At least beyond the time I'd be able to alot to it.


Attachment: PARROT.BMP
Description: Binary data

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