> Leon Brocard wrote:
> > Oh, this happens to be a FAQ. The main reason is:
> >
> > http://www.parrotcode.org/faq/
>   I know the technical reason for a new VM, but this could've been a new
>   VM for Perl 6 only. What I'd like to know is the motivation to open up
>   the architecture and allow for plugable parser, compilers, bytecode
>   generators / optimizers, ...
>   Thanks,
> Sebastian
> -- 
>   Sebastian Bergmann
>   http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/
>   Did I help you? Consider a gift: http://wishlist.sebastian-bergmann.de/

I think that having the VM be not just for perl 6 was a great choice. The biggest 
benefit that I got out of dot net was how easily objects could be passed from one 
language to the next. The ability to move between the different languages seamlessly 
was wonderful, and definitely improved my productivity. The only problem I had with 
dot net, was that perlnet (by activestate) didn’t work well with dot net. I would have 
loved to write more of the program in perl, but passing objects and complex data 
structures was too much work, not to mention wrapping the program up in an installer. 
With perl 6 being able to compile to dot net, it should be able to deal with dot net 
objects and data types easier then perlnet can. That being said, many people who use 
perl only use perl (with a little c). Forcing perl 6 to run on dot net would limit 
what could be done in perl 6, or cause performance degradation. By providing a VM 
built with the idea of perl 6 running on it will offer a performance increase to 
people who only use perl. If everything goes well, other languages will be ported to 
parrot, and hopefully it will be easy to integrate all of the languages together. 
There are many other reasons why people would want to use different VMs, parsers, 
compilers, etc. It all goes backs to TMTOWTDI.

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