At 11:17 AM +0200 5/24/02, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>   Hello there!
>   I'm currently preparing an article on Parrot for a German magazine.

Cool. Can we have a URL when it's done? (An english translation'd be 
keen too, but there's always BabelFish to mangle the heck out of it)

>   While describing the architecture of Parrot as not being "only" the
>   Runtime component for Perl 6, but also a Software CPU / Virtual
>   Machine for other languages (BASIC, COLA, ...), it came to me that this
>   is more or less what .Net (and the Mono project, as far as Open Source
>   is concerned) is about: Compiling different languages to a common
>   bytecode for execution by a common Virtual Machine.
>   It'd be great if you could comment of different goals, etc. between
>   Parrot and the .Net concept.

Well, you've gotten some answers from some of the contributors. Here 
are a few of mine.

Firstly, .Net wasn't really an option when I started in on the design 
back in the summer of 2000. I don't remember if there was any noise 
at all about it then--I don't really remember any until some time in 
2001. That made not choosing .Net pretty simple, since it just wasn't 
there when I started. It's really not had much influence on Parrot's 
design, either. (Neither, honestly, has the JVM)

I can't really speak to the goals for either .NET or Java's JVM. 
That's something you'll need to talk to the .NET and JVM folks about. 
(It'd be interesting to get together with them all in a room and talk 
this stuff over someday) What I can do, though, is talk about the 
underpinnings of Parrot.

Parrot's design is strongly influenced by hardware. It owes as much 
to the VAX and 68000 CPU chips as any piece of software, something I 
did on purpose. There's a lot of literature and research available on 
optimizing for a register-based system which we can leverage, and 
being more like the hardware we're running on lessens the 'impedance 
mismatch' you can get when you design for your software rather than 
your hardware.

The design also assumes the lack of systematic, mid-level, 
development teams. Available talent is a hit-or-miss thing. We've 
been pretty lucky so far--Daniel Grunblatt with his JIT work, for 
example--but I'm trying not to count on that. It makes things kind of 
interesting, and it's one of the reasons I'm trying to get design 
documents and solid walls built between segments of the interpreter.

I've been trying to keep the end result in mind, not what's easy now. 
The register architecture, for example, is more difficult to write a 
compiler for, but there's more opportunity for optimization in the 
long run. I'm willing to leave things in a less than optimal state at 
the moment if it can be fixed without breaking things and there's a 
reasonable chance to get a good win later on.

Finally, whenever there's a choice that will allow more flexibility 
in the future, we take it if it won't impact performance, or if the 
impact is justified by the flexibility win. This covers things like 
using vtables for variables, or the loadable opcode libraries, or 
providing continuation support in the core.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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