At 10:46 PM -0400 9/28/02, Erik Lechak wrote:
>I would like to start helping in the development of parrot.  I have 
>read the documentation, the design docs, and went over the source, 
>but I am still a little lost.  I would eventually like to help with 
>the coding, but it appears that there may be a pressing need for a 
>document helping newbie developers figure out how to get started.  I 
>would be willing to take on this task (Well at least until I learn 
>enough so that I can code.)


>1)If you would like me to do it, who would I send the document and 
>its updates to?

To the list is fine.

>2)I am a diagram oriented person.  If I include diagrams (gifs, png 
>...) in the document, how would you want me to do this (html, ref 
>the image file ...)?  Any prefs in the image format?

I'd prefer either PNG, GIF or TIFF files for images. Whatever you 
use, small is good. (I think all three formats have the option to 
choose the depth, and 1 or 2 bits should be sufficient for digrams, I 

Vector graphics are OK, but if you use something, please use either 
EPS or postscript, and provide a bitmapped image version so those 
folks without a postscript interpreter handy can read it. (If you 
want to start on the postscript parser for parrot, that'd be cool too 

>3)Do I have to use pod?

Nope, but the docs ultimately need to be in POD, so if you use 
something else it's OK as long as you can run it through a 
translator. :)

Seriously, we have to use something and POD, for all its warts and 
limitations, has the nice feature of being mostly unobtrusive and not 
requiring any special software to read or write. Yes, I know some of 
the entities want other software around to be really useful, but you 
can at least figure out what's going on by looking.

I do realize that the default POD as defined with perl 5 has some 
problems--I'm perfectly fine with getting those fixed for parrot, 
regardless of whether there are some compatibility issues.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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