On a related note, are there any good tools for static code analysis
around?  The usual cross-reference stuff would be handy, but ideally
something that goes further.

Graphical would be good, interactive better (or at least cooler :).
Perhaps something like www.kartoo.com (needs flash) or
http://www.touchgraph.com/TGGoogleBrowser.html (needs java) that
lets you "explore" the relationships between things.

And, in case you're not familar with it, the "ID database" is a
very useful tool (quite old and alomost lost in the mists of time):
I highly recommend it.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 10:46:36PM -0400, Erik Lechak wrote:
> Hello All,
> I hope this is the correct place for my post.  I have not seen many (or 
> any) newbie parrot questions on this group.  Please direct me to the 
> correct group and forgive my intrusion if this message is misposted.
> I would like to start helping in the development of parrot.  I have read 
> the documentation, the design docs, and went over the source, but I am 
> still a little lost.  I would eventually like to help with the coding, 
> but it appears that there may be a pressing need for a document helping 
> newbie developers figure out how to get started.  I would be willing to 
> take on this task (Well at least until I learn enough so that I can code.)
> 1)If you would like me to do it, who would I send the document and its 
> updates to?
> 2)I am a diagram oriented person.  If I include diagrams (gifs, png ...) 
> in the document, how would you want me to do this (html, ref the image 
> file ...)?  Any prefs in the image format?
> 3)Do I have to use pod?  No offense, but I can't stand pod.  The pdd 
> design document states that pod is the "...documentation language for 
> All Things Perl", but this is Parrot not Perl.  And this document would 
> not be a design doc.  If Parrot is supposed to be a cross language VM, 
> why do people need to know pod to read (or write) the docs?  I know that 
> it is easy to convert pod to an easy to read format, but would a 
> developer with little perl experience know that?  Parrot is trying to 
> encourage developers from areas other than perl, so why discourage them 
> by introducing them to parrot with pod documents.
> Could there possibly be a parrot comment style?  It could be used 
> instead of other comment styles internal to parrot.  Use it in the 
> c-code, the perl code, the parrot assembly code, and to write the 
> documentation.  Then a (perl) preprocessor could strip it out before it 
> is compiled or run.  Normally I would not suggest such a thing, but 
> there is a lot of code generation and manipulation going on anyway.  It 
> could allow for document generation of all the parrot source, assembly, 
> tests, and documents into a javadoc-like html reference.  Or maybe I'm 
> just dreaming.
> Please go easy on me for not liking pod.
> Thanks,
> Erik Lechak

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