On 01/12/2003 4:41 AM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
There might be additional problems with glibc, but the deviations in JIT code timings are only caused by moving the loop by on byte (crossing a 8 byte boundary).
Do we have enough metadata at JIT-time to pad locations that get jmp'd to to an 8-byte boundry in memory?

BTW, I legitimatly don't know. I have a sinking suspicition that the only way to know if somthing is a jump target is to scan through the entire bytecode and check if it gets used as one. (For that matter, you can jump to the value of an Ix reg, which makes even that infesable, no?)

(BTW, I removed p5p from the CC list, since I don't think this makes sense for non-JIT targets... and since p5 doesn't JIT...)

-=- James Mastros

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