Leon Brocard wrote:
> It's been a while since 0.0.9 (errr, 20th Dec). A lot has changed
> since then. Maybe it's time for a 0.1.0 release. What are we waiting
> for? 

Dan said: "either exceptions or objects". Once we have one, we'll go to 
0.1.0, and when the second will be implemented (order does not matter), 
we'll go to 0.2.0. Or am I wrong?
Btw, a proper i/o layer would be nice to have, too...

> And why do we have so many version numbers? It'd be nice to have
> objects, otherwise we're restricted to toy languages.

And even toy languages may benefit from objects (yes, I really need 
objects in order to implement -98 version of Befunge, especially since 
I want to include concurrent-funge support). Well, I could use my own 
hand-crafted objects as a list of whatever, but fun would be much 
greater with objects. 


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