----- Original Message -----
From: "Brent Dax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:25 PM
Subject: RE: set vs. assign, continued: 'add' vs. 'add!'

> TOGoS:
> # syntax. As it is, the add(ints) op and the
> # add(pmcs) ops do very different things (one
> # has 'set' while the other has 'assign' semantics),
> # but they look exactly the same. If not at
> I think that's mostly because there's no difference between set
> semantics and assign semantics for ints.  You can think of them as both
> having assign semantics, if you like.
> # I sense the 'only people who really know
> # what they're doing wil use this interface,
> # anyway, so we don't have to make it nice'
> # attitude in a few other places... most
> # notably the Windows API.
> You don't have to lecture me on the Windows API--I use Windows, and I
> have the scars to prove it.  ;^)  But in this case, we're doing it
> because:
> a. It speeds things up.
> b. It avoids a very difficult DWIM.
> c. It simplifies the syntax.
> Sure, you don't need to use 'new' on an I register, while you do on a P
> register--but you *never* need to use 'new' on an I, if memory serves.
> So that's a consistent...uh...inconsistency between I and P registers.
> # But aside from all that, I still think
> # that the set semantics for add, etc. would
> # make a lot of sense in many cases, because
> # the PMC that is being addded will know
> # how best to return.
> The thing is, the target PMC needs a way to react to the fact that it's
> being assigned to.  The real semantics we want are something like:
> assign $P0, (add $P1, $P2)
> (Assuming that ops behaved that way...)
> I don't think any vtable ops actually allocate new PMCs and return
> them--to my knowledge, they always operate on a target PMC.

If I remember correctly, the "clone" op allocates a new PMC and stores it in
the target reg.
$P1 = clone $P2     # $P1 may be NULL, at least contents of $P1 are lost
after this op.

> I believe
> that this is done for speed reasons, although I'm not sure about
> that--after all, it's much cheaper to allocate target PMCs only when you
> need them than to allocate them when you don't.
> --Brent Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Perl and Parrot hacker
> "Yeah, and my underwear is flame-retardant--that doesn't mean I'm gonna
> set myself on fire to prove it."

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