On 19 Feb 2004, at 20:59, Simon Glover wrote:

pdd12_assembly.pod -- what was the intent of this? (i.e. is there stuff
that isn't covered in pdd06_pasm.pod that should go in here, or can
we just dump this and recycle the number?)

Yes it should go. It's just an earlier version of pdd06.

I'm almost done with the PMCs, though what I'm doing is fairly minimal. I've had to take a sort of head-down approach to working on the docs. Building inline stuff up to a certain level, before moving on to integration and coherence (will not be for this release).

What I do hope to achieve for the "Extra Day" release is to get hyperlinks working for the html docs. I'll work on that this weekend. Once that's done I'll join in the get-it-up-to-date frenzy.

One thing that would help is if people ran

perl tools/docs/write_docs.pl -d -s

on various platforms and told me if it works - or what they did to make it work - because I only have access to Mac OS X 10.3.2 here. Run it after running make, because it will die looking for docs/packfile-c.pod otherwise.

BTW on a personal note, my CFT expires on the 1st May - back to a job in London - so in my head that's deadline I'm working towards. I want to have a decent documentation system set up by then.


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