Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nope, we don't need it. We can go one less level of indirection than
> List, too, since we don't need the info it provides either, as the
> entries are guaranteed to be PMCs. We can hang a bare PMC buffer
> (well, OK, PArray, but they should be the same thing) off the object,
> and directly poke at its internals.

As already mentioned in a private mail WRT object layout, we could have:

  obj->vtable->data  := class PMC
  Pobj_bufstart(obj) := classname STRING
  Pobj_buflen(obj)   := attribute count
  PMC_data(obj)      := struct List* of attributes

Such a layout is much more compact then the current one. It would need a
custom mark function and an overriden C<name> method, that's all AFAIK.


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