On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 09:53:47PM -0500, Gordon Henriksen wrote:
> Edward, 
> Want to call strptime? Use NCI. No need for anything new in the core. 
> That's WHY it's the CORE. 

I think there is a misunderstanding here. I don't think that strftime by itself
in the core - which probably has system dependencies and inconsistancies - 
is a good idea. Or for that matter, calling strftime directly is a good idea.

What I think is a good idea is a light wrapper around strftime, one that 
irons out the inconsistencies inherent in different platforms, and adds a 
reverse function which takes a format and turns it back into a number of seconds.

I don't know of any other function that does this, and I can tell you as a heavy 
user of perl in a production environment having a lightweight, fast, function that
does this is very very useful. The faster the better.

Anyways - like I said, I don't have anything against it being in a standard library,
as long as it doesn't have too much overhead and is reasonably efficient. 

But I'm doubtful that this can really be done vs having it as an op - hence the 
idea of an extensive benchmark. 


ps - I looked for a 'stdlib' directory in parrot-0.1.0.. is it not there? Are stdlibs
going to be shared between languages that host parrot?

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