Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This becomes a bit less efficient when we're looking at intermediate
> values of expressions. Something like:

>     a = b + c + d

> turns to

>     new $P0, SomeIntermediateType
>     add $P0, b, c
>     add a, $P0, d

> and we need to create that $P0 temp beforehand. While that's fine, it
> leave things to the compiler to figure out what the intermediate type
> should be, and often ends up creating two temps instead of one.

Well, yes. It's up to the compiler. Perl6 would insert

  $P1 = new PerlUndef

and Pie-Thon would have a C<new PieScalar> or such.

Why should it create two temps?

> Moreover, it's distinctly possible that the temp that's created isn't
> the right type, as the compiler may not know what the intermediate
> expression will return.

The C<new Undef> something has to morph itself into an appropriate type

> I see three options:

I think its really up to the HLL compiler to generate a suitable LHS
PMC that (accompanied by appropriate assign vtables) does the right

To you have examples, which indicate that this isn't possible?


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