Providing the mirror is not an attempt to force or encourage a switch
of the system being used. It's just the case that with svk and the

* It'd be easier for me to follow the development.

* I could make offline branches if I start hacking parrot.

* Vendor branches could be maintained more easily for things like
  ponie that needs to embed parrot.

* People might find some the above true for them too.

It's more about interpolating (like parrot!) than enforcing.

On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 07:00:41PM -0400, Matt Fowles wrote:
> I thought that subversion was tried for use with Parrot and found
> unexceptable for some reason a while back.  I am not trying to
> discourage you guys...  I personally prefer svn to cvs, but I think it
> would be wise to determine of those problems still exist.


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