Gregory Keeney wrote:
Rhys Weatherley wrote:

What autoconf database? Autoconf uses probing for cross-compilation as well.

Essentially, you use the cross-compiler's knowledge of the platform to act as the "database". You just need to be clever in how you format the query.
I don't think Parrot's probe system can help us here. Autoconf (as described above) uses the target architecture compiler's knowledge of the target system. We don't have anything equivalent, as we want to bootstrap the cross compiler through Parrot, not the C compiler.

Couldn't we split the probing into two phases ?
Let's asume for a moment that it's easy to build a miniparrot for ethier the host or the target.

The first phase would run on the host and prepare the tests and a miniparrot for the target, but not run them.

The seconde phase would run on the target and run the actual test, while
populating a Configuration file.

Host Phase:
- Build host version of miniparrot
- Build target version of miniparrot (use cross compiler)
- Build all probing programms and test cases (use cross-compiler)
- Populate a sub-directory with target miniparrot and the remaining test programms

Target Phase:
- Copy that directory to the target
- Run the configuration phase and get the Config file

The challange would be to get the miniparrot running on the target.
All the rest should be covered by the "normal" Parrot Configuration Probing.

This is about as general as it can get, or am I missing something ?

Thomas Seiler

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