On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 11:31:17AM +0100, Peter Sinnott wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 08:43:41PM -0700, Joshua Hoblitt via RT wrote:
> > Does anyone have an old enough Perl to test if this is still an issue?
> > 
> > -J
> > 
> > --
> parrot no longer supports perl 5.005

The -U flag to perdoc should exist under 5.6.x.

> If I replace our with my ( and cross my fingers ) the configure finishes but 
> warns
> .value for 'revision' in config/gen/config_pm/myconfig.in is undef at
> lib/Parrot/Configure/Step.pm line 237
> I presume this is related to our -> my 

Prior to 5.6.0 and 'our' package variables had to be declared with the
'vars' pragma.  See `perldoc vars`.

> If I run make it fails as it can not find Pod::Usage.
> I can see a few Pod::* modules under lib so I presume 
> policy is to add perl module depencies there and not
> to require the user to install them locally. Can someone
> add Pod::Usage under ./lib.

If you can make a convincing argument that 5.005xx should be supported
that is possible - but why?




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