On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Joshua Hoblitt via RT wrote:

> > [jhoblitt - Tue Sep 20 02:20:48 2005]:
> > 
> > > [doughera - Mon Nov 11 05:41:20 2002]:
> > > 
> > > I've gotten no negative feedback (no positive either, but that's
> > > normal)
> > > so I propose that the following patch go in.
> > 
> > Are there still linkage issue that need to be resolved or can this bug
> > be closed?

There still are linkage issues.  However, someone did go through and apply 
bits and pieces of this patch, so it won't apply cleanly anymore.  I don't 
know how to flag that in the RT system.  Perhaps leave it "Open," or 
perhaps flag it as "Rejected" or "Stalled".

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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