On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 09:13:31PM -0000, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> One would certainly hope so.  :-)  I guess this approach can work if the 
> code produced by the Perl 5 compiler only contains the subset of Parrot 
> functionality that MiniParrot can handle.

The constraint can be pushed higher up the stack as well.  It might mean
that Configure.pl has to be written in some subset of p5/p6 that can be
supported by miniparrot.  Or that the compiler has a miniparrot target
that possibly fudges correctness in exchange for being less demanding on
the runtime.  In any case it probably makes more sense to figure what we
want the design of Configure.pl to look like before we start considering
implementation trade offs for a compiler the doesn't yet exist. ;)



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