On Feb 12, 2006, at 6:52 PM, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

It would also be 'really nice' have a glob(3) like method that is
implemented as a wrapper around *dir methods so the semantics are

My outsider opinion is that parrot should focus on exposing basic OS functions (opendir, readdir, closedir) and leave the high-level functions (ls, glob) to the languages or libraries. My justification for that opinion is security lockdown. If there are more op-level ways of accessing the system, then there are more features that sandboxes like Safe.pm have to disable. Even more critical is the potential for creep. If sandboxes have to follow a moving target, then it could make it challenging to make security promises.

Certainly, it would aid performance to have parrot-level support for commonly used idioms like directory slurping, but the price is more work for the languages. It's kind of a CISC vs. RISC argument.

Again, this is an outsider opinion. Apologies in advance if I'm off- base or misunderstood the proposal.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, http://www.chrisdolan.net/
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