On 26/08/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 11:14:11AM -0700, Paul Cochrane wrote:
> > The variable ins2 is freed by the call to subst_ins() but is then
> > later assigned to later in the if-block.  Um, this isn't a good idea
> > is it?  The variable shouldn't be freed in subst_ins() I don't think,
> > so shouldn't we instead have the line:
> >
> >                                     subst_ins(unit, ins2, tmp, 0);
> >
> > (where setting the argument to 0 means *not* freeing the variable).
> >
> > Is this the right thing to do?  Just wanted to ask the opinion of our
> > resident gurus before I went and broke something...
> free() takes a pointer and frees the memory pointed at.  The variable itself 
> is
> just a storage location for that pointer.  Maybe reusing the variable name is
> confusing to humans, but I don't see any particular trouble for the computer
> here.

Ok, I'll just tell the Coverity thing to ignore that particular warning.

leo, chromatic: thanks for your feedback!


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