On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, James Keenan via RT wrote:

> On Tue Jul 29 11:08:30 2008, doughera wrote:
> > After running the Configure.pl test suite, I'm seeing some 
> > annoying-to-remove directories staying behind in /tmp.
> > 
> > $ ls -lR /tmp/qdEG6yqmCn/
> > qdEG6yqmCn/:
> > total 16
> > drwxr-xr-x   3 doughera faculty      181 Jul 29 13:48 alpha/
> > 
> > qdEG6yqmCn/alpha:
> > total 16
> > d-wxr----x   2 doughera faculty      117 Jul 29 13:48 include/
> > 
> > qdEG6yqmCn/alpha/include:
> > qdEG6yqmCn/alpha/include: Permission denied
> > 
> I don't recall writing any tests which call for such strange
> permissions, but I will nonetheless look into this problem.

Ahh -- it's just an octal/decimal mix-up.  Here's the patch:

--- parrot-current/t/steps/auto_icu-01.t        2008-07-30 13:45:19.000000000 
+++ parrot-andy/t/steps/auto_icu-01.t   2008-07-30 14:15:44.000000000 -0400
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
     my $expected_include_dir =
         $expected_dir . $conf->data->get('slash') .  q{include};
     mkdir $expected_dir or croak "Unable to make testing directory";
-    mkpath($expected_include_dir, 0, 755)
+    mkpath($expected_include_dir, 0, 0755)
         or croak "Unable to make second-level testing directory";
     ($icuheaders, $without) =
         $step->_handle_icuheaders($conf, qq{$expected_dir\n}, 0);

Mind you, the directories still aren't cleaned up automatically, but this 
at least makes that less tedious.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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