chromatic wrote:
> 2) What's setting an invalid pointer-to-a-PMC here?

This question is answered at the end of the following dump.  (This is
one of the things I nopasted during our IRC discussion last week, thanks
for your guidance in producing it.)

One interesting question: the pointer-to-a-PMC is written a couple times
by the CPointer class, and then written by BigInt once.  Was that expected?

(By the way, I've also reproduced this on one of the x86-32 gentoo boxes
I tried it on, so it is not x86-64 specific.  It is also not specific to
one version of gcc.)

(gdb) break src/headers.c:324 if ((long)pmc & 0xfff) == 0xde8
No source file named src/headers.c.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y

Breakpoint 1 (src/headers.c:324 if ((long)pmc & 0xfff) == 0xde8) pending.
(gdb) run t/op/bitwise_27.pir
Starting program: /work/parrot-dev/parrot-trunk/parrot t/op/bitwise_27.pir
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
warning: Lowest section in /usr/lib64/ is .hash at
[New Thread 0x7f3245daf710 (LWP 1013)]
[Switching to Thread 0x7f3245daf710 (LWP 1013)]

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=5120)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=5120)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=0) at
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=0) at
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024)
    at src/headers.c:324
324         if (!pmc)
(gdb) bt
#0  new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=1024) at src/headers.c:324
#1  0x00007f3245753f78 in get_new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080,
    flags=1024) at src/pmc.c:267
#2  0x00007f3245753bc3 in pmc_new (interp=0x13bd080, base_type=52)
    at src/pmc.c:92
#3  0x00007f324571ce74 in Parrot_build_sig_object_from_varargs (
    interp=0x13bd080, sig=0x7f3245988b33 "PPP->P", args=0x7fff4df4d770)
    at src/multidispatch.c:477
#4  0x00007f324571d5c6 in Parrot_mmd_multi_dispatch_from_c_args (
    interp=0x13bd080, name=0x7f3245989310 "modulus",
    sig=0x7f3245988b33 "PPP->P") at src/multidispatch.c:574
#5  0x00007f32457fe59f in Parrot_default_modulus (interp=0x13bd080,
    pmc=0x1517f00, value=0x1496a08, dest=0x1495e70)
    at ./src/pmc/default.pmc:1673
#6  0x00007f32456afaf8 in Parrot_mod_p_p_p (cur_opcode=0x15176a0,
    interp=0x13bd080) at src/ops/math.ops:760
#7  0x00007f3245754c2f in runops_slow_core (interp=0x13bd080, pc=0x15176a0)
    at src/runops_cores.c:222
#8  0x00007f3245714ed4 in runops_int (interp=0x13bd080, offset=0)
    at src/interpreter.c:937
#9  0x00007f32457158c3 in runops (interp=0x13bd080, offs=0)
    at src/inter_run.c:101
#10 0x00007f3245715b7a in runops_args (interp=0x13bd080, sub=0x14978b0,
    obj=0x144a020, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP",
    at src/inter_run.c:236
#11 0x00007f3245715d6b in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x13bd080,
    sub=0x14978b0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP") at src/inter_run.c:300
#12 0x00007f32456f781e in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x13bd080, argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at src/embed.c:951
#13 0x00007f3245958f38 in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x13bd080, obj_file=0,
    output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
#14 0x00007f3245959837 in imcc_run (interp=0x13bd080,
    sourcefile=0x7fff4df4e165 "t/op/bitwise_27.pir", argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at compilers/imcc/main.c:1079
#15 0x0000000000400c64 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
(gdb) step
329         if (flags & PObj_is_PMC_EXT_FLAG) {
330             flags |= PObj_is_special_PMC_FLAG;
331             pmc->pmc_ext = new_pmc_ext(interp);
new_pmc_ext (interp=0x13bd080) at src/headers.c:363
363         Small_Object_Pool * const pool =
366         return (PMC_EXT *)pool->get_free_object(interp, pool);
gc_ms_get_free_pmc_ext (interp=0x13bd080, pool=0x13be7e0)
    at src/gc/smallobject.c:275
275         PMC_EXT *free_list = (PMC_EXT *)pool->free_list;
278         if (!free_list) {
283         ptr               = free_list;
284         pool->free_list   = ptr->_next_for_GC;
285         ptr->_next_for_GC = NULL;
287         --pool->num_free_objects;
289         return ptr;
290     }
new_pmc_ext (interp=0x13bd080) at src/headers.c:367
367     }
new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, flags=67109888) at src/headers.c:333
333             if (flags & PObj_is_PMC_shared_FLAG)
338         PObj_get_FLAGS(pmc) = PObj_is_PMC_FLAG|flags;
339         pmc->vtable = NULL;
341         PMC_data(pmc) = NULL;
343         return pmc;
344     }
get_new_pmc_header (interp=0x13bd080, base_type=52, flags=1024)
    at src/pmc.c:268
268         pmc->vtable    = vtable;
269         pmc->real_self = pmc;
278         return pmc;
279     }
pmc_new (interp=0x13bd080, base_type=52) at src/pmc.c:93
93              VTABLE_init(interp, pmc);
Parrot_CPointer_init (interp=0x13bd080, pmc=0x1517de8)
    at ./src/pmc/cpointer.pmc:67
67                  mem_allocate_typed(Parrot_CPointer_attributes);
mem_sys_allocate (size=16) at src/gc/memory.c:46
46          void * const ptr = malloc(size);
50          if (!ptr)
52          return ptr;
53      }
Parrot_CPointer_init (interp=0x13bd080, pmc=0x1517de8)
    at ./src/pmc/cpointer.pmc:69
69              PMC_data(SELF)        = pdata_struct;
(gdb) print pdata_struct
$1 = (Parrot_CPointer_attributes *) 0x1559c00
(gdb) watch *((void**)0x1559c00)
Hardware watchpoint 2: *(void **) 22387712
(gdb) cont
Hardware watchpoint 2: *(void **) 22387712

Old value = (void *) 0x0
New value = (void *) 0x7fff4df4d898
Parrot_CPointer_set_pointer (interp=0x13bd080, pmc=0x1517de8,
    value=0x7fff4df4d898) at ./src/pmc/cpointer.c:310
310     #line 310 "./src/pmc/cpointer.c"
(gdb) print *((void**)0x7fff4df4d898)
$10 = (void *) 0x144a020
(gdb) watch *((void**)0x7fff4df4d898)
Hardware watchpoint 3: *(void **) 140734501279896
(gdb) print *((PMC*)0x144a020)
$11 = {cache = {_b = {_bufstart = 0xdeadbeef, _buflen = 3735928559},
_ptrs = {
      _struct_val = 0xdeadbeef, _pmc_val = 0xdeadbeef}, _i = {
      _int_val = 3735928559, _int_val2 = 3735928559},
    _num_val = 1.8457939563190925e-314, _string_val = 0xdeadbeef},
  flags = 4608, vtable = 0x13c5ca0, data = 0x0, pmc_ext = 0x0,
  real_self = 0x144a020}
(gdb) cont
Hardware watchpoint 3: *(void **) 140734501279896

Old value = (void *) 0x144a020
New value = (void *) 0x1495e70
Parrot_CPointer_set_pmc (interp=0x13bd080, pmc=0x1517de8, value=0x1495e70)
    at ./src/pmc/cpointer.c:301
301     #line 301 "./src/pmc/cpointer.c"
(gdb) print *((PMC*)0x1495e70)
$12 = {cache = {_b = {_bufstart = 0x150f470, _buflen = 0}, _ptrs = {
      _struct_val = 0x150f470, _pmc_val = 0x0}, _i = {_int_val = 22082672,
      _int_val2 = 0}, _num_val = 1.0910289603580412e-316,
    _string_val = 0x150f470}, flags = 4194816, vtable = 0x1404ba0, data
= 0x0,
  pmc_ext = 0x0, real_self = 0x1495e70}
(gdb) bt
#0  Parrot_CPointer_set_pmc (interp=0x13bd080, pmc=0x1517de8,
    at ./src/pmc/cpointer.c:301
#1  0x00007f3245710cc3 in set_context_sig_returns (interp=0x13bd080,
    ctx=0x1512f70, indexes=0x7fff4df49670, ret_x=0x1559dd5 "P",
    result_list=0x1517e20) at src/inter_call.c:2131
#2  0x00007f324571209a in Parrot_pcc_invoke_sub_from_sig_object (
    interp=0x13bd080, sub_obj=0x146a468, sig_obj=0x1517ec8)
    at src/inter_call.c:2657
#3  0x00007f324571d692 in Parrot_mmd_multi_dispatch_from_c_args (
    interp=0x13bd080, name=0x7f3245989310 "modulus",
    sig=0x7f3245988b33 "PPP->P") at src/multidispatch.c:594
#4  0x00007f32457fe59f in Parrot_default_modulus (interp=0x13bd080,
    pmc=0x1517f00, value=0x1496a08, dest=0x1495e70)
    at ./src/pmc/default.pmc:1673
#5  0x00007f32456afaf8 in Parrot_mod_p_p_p (cur_opcode=0x15176a0,
    interp=0x13bd080) at src/ops/math.ops:760
#6  0x00007f3245754c2f in runops_slow_core (interp=0x13bd080, pc=0x15176a0)
    at src/runops_cores.c:222
#7  0x00007f3245714ed4 in runops_int (interp=0x13bd080, offset=0)
    at src/interpreter.c:937
#8  0x00007f32457158c3 in runops (interp=0x13bd080, offs=0)
    at src/inter_run.c:101
#9  0x00007f3245715b7a in runops_args (interp=0x13bd080, sub=0x14978b0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    obj=0x144a020, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP",
    at src/inter_run.c:236
#10 0x00007f3245715d6b in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x13bd080,
    sub=0x14978b0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP") at src/inter_run.c:300
#11 0x00007f32456f781e in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x13bd080, argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at src/embed.c:951
#12 0x00007f3245958f38 in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x13bd080, obj_file=0,
    output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
#13 0x00007f3245959837 in imcc_run (interp=0x13bd080,
    sourcefile=0x7fff4df4e165 "t/op/bitwise_27.pir", argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at compilers/imcc/main.c:1079
#14 0x0000000000400c64 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
(gdb) cont
Hardware watchpoint 3: *(void **) 140734501279896

Old value = (void *) 0x1495e70
New value = (void *) 0x13bd080
0x00007f324585375c in Parrot_BigInt_get_integer (interp=0x13bd080,
    pmc=0x1496730) at ./src/pmc/bigint.c:614
614     Parrot_BigInt_get_integer(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *pmc)
(gdb) print *((PMC*)0x13bd080)
$13 = {cache = {_b = {_bufstart = 0x1512ba0, _buflen = 22096984}, _ptrs = {
      _struct_val = 0x1512ba0, _pmc_val = 0x1512c58}, _i = {
      _int_val = 22096800, _int_val2 = 22096984},
    _num_val = 1.0917269763024857e-316, _string_val = 0x1512ba0},
  flags = 22097072, vtable = 0x13bd300, data = 0x81, pmc_ext = 0x13be3e0,
  real_self = 0x1443228}
(gdb) cont
Hardware watchpoint 3: *(void **) 140734501279896

Old value = (void *) 0x13bd080
New value = (void *) 0x7f324568313e
0x00007f3245673448 in [EMAIL PROTECTED] ()
   from /work/parrot-dev/parrot-trunk/blib/lib/
Current language:  auto; currently asm
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f3245673448 in [EMAIL PROTECTED] ()
   from /work/parrot-dev/parrot-trunk/blib/lib/
#1  0x00007f324568313e in Parrot_gt_p_ic_ic (cur_opcode=0x1517628,
    interp=0x13bd080) at src/ops/cmp.ops:430
#2  0x00007f3245754c2f in runops_slow_core (interp=0x13bd080, pc=0x1517628)
    at src/runops_cores.c:222
#3  0x00007f3245714ed4 in runops_int (interp=0x13bd080, offset=0)
    at src/interpreter.c:937
#4  0x00007f32457158c3 in runops (interp=0x13bd080, offs=0)
    at src/inter_run.c:101
#5  0x00007f3245715b7a in runops_args (interp=0x13bd080, sub=0x14978b0,
    obj=0x144a020, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP",
    at src/inter_run.c:236
#6  0x00007f3245715d6b in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x13bd080,
    sub=0x14978b0, sig=0x7f324597fcfb "vP") at src/inter_run.c:300
#7  0x00007f32456f781e in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x13bd080, argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at src/embed.c:951
#8  0x00007f3245958f38 in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x13bd080, obj_file=0,
    output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
#9  0x00007f3245959837 in imcc_run (interp=0x13bd080,
    sourcefile=0x7fff4df4e165 "t/op/bitwise_27.pir", argc=1,
    argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at compilers/imcc/main.c:1079
#10 0x0000000000400c64 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff4df4dd20) at
(gdb) print *((PMC*)0x7f324568313e)
$14 = {cache = {_b = {_bufstart = 0xe8458b48f8458948,
      _buflen = 5192803511993140040}, _ptrs = {
      _struct_val = 0xe8458b48f8458948, _pmc_val = 0x48108b4810c08348},
_i = {
      _int_val = -1709807337998022328, _int_val2 = 5192803511993140040},
    _num_val = -1.9658719122355545e+194, _string_val = 0xe8458b48f8458948},
  flags = 10036289951415944587, vtable = 0x8b4810508b48e045,
  data = 0x8b4808c08348e845, pmc_ext = 0x3e0c148d0f74800,
  real_self = 0x48008b4802048d48}

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