On Monday 17 November 2008 11:07:52 Andrew Dougherty wrote:

> Note, by the way, that perl-5.8.8 only shipped with Storable 2.15.

Perl 5.8.8 doesn't ship with File::Which either, and we require that too.  (We 
do bundle that in our repository, which is something we shouldn't do and 
something I thought we didn't do anymore).

Here are my assumptions:

* anyone building Parrot now can install dependencies (working C compilation 
environment, potentially a bignum library, some CPAN modules, potentially 
flex/bison or equivalents)

* it's simpler to require a single version of a dependency that we know will 
work reliably across platforms and other dependency versions than to create 
and maintain a matrix of platforms, dependencies, and versions to the effect 
that people who meet the previous assumption sometimes don't have to 
type 'cpan install Foo'.

I realize that requiring people to install Storable 2.18 is somewhat of a 
headache, but it looks like the type of headache that's much smaller than the 
headaches of the alternatives.

-- c

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