Peter Scott wrote:
> At 06:48 PM 8/24/00 -0600, Tony Olekshy wrote:
> >
> >I've read 151 a few times, and I don't understand how it can
> >impact the implementation of RFC 88 as a module.  Please explain.
> If $@ and $! are merged, then in code like
>          try {
>                  system_call_that_fails();
>                  more_stuff_that_succeeds();
>          }
>          finally {
>          }
> does the finally block think there is a current exception or not?
> $!  was set by the failed system call, but nothing died or threw.
> If $@ is put into $! instead, how does the finally block know that
> it's not an exception?  ! ref($!) ...?

I think it is imperative that if Perl has die and eval then it must
have a flag that indicates *only* whether or not eval returned via
normal local flow control or via non-local unwinding started by a
die.  Otherwise, I can see no way any quasi-reliable non-local flow
control can be extened by writing blocks of local flow-control code.

So if open, for example, can set $! without invoking die, then $!
and $@ must not be merged.  As I read it, 151 would (as currently
promulgated) not meet my requirement for the unique nature of a
$@-style variable.  I don't think overloading ref to pick off true
exceptions would make me happy either ;-)

I think that RFC 151 should be *merged* into RFC 80.  RFC 80
should define a simple set of lower-case system-reserved fields
to be used for signalling fault information by the Perl 6 core.
RFC 80 should also define a mapping from this simple fault-hash
into a proper Exception object (using, oh, say reference to a
blessed copy of said fault-hash).

Now, hold on to your hat, %@ should the name of this fault-hash...

        $@    current exception
        @@    current exception stack
        %@    current core fault information

        $@[0]       same as $@

        $@{type}    "IO::File::NotFound"
        $@{message} "can't find file"
        $@{param}   "/foo/bar/baz.dat"
        $@{child}   $?
        $@{errno}   $!
        $@{os_err}  $^E
        $@{chunk}   That chunk thingy in some msgs.
        $@{file}    Source file name of caller.
        $@{line}    Source line number of caller.

%@ should not contain a severity or fatality classification.

*Every* call to a core API function should clear %@.

Internally, Perl can use a simple structured data type to hold the
whole canonical %@.  The code that handles reading from %@ will
construct it out of the internal data on the fly.

If C<use fatal;> is in scope, then just before returning, each core
API function should do something like: %@ and internal_die %@;

The internal_die becomes the one place where a canonical Exception
can be generated to encapsulate %@ just before raising an exception,
whether or not the use of such canonical Exceptions is controlled by
a pragma such as C<use exceptions;>.

Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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