Peter Scott wrote:
> Tony Olekshy wrote:
> >
> > In fact, not only would I be pleased and honoured to author the
> > Perl 6 core module, I'm already working on a Perl 5 standard
> > reference implementation.
> > Peter, I think we should make this approach more clear in RFC 88.
> I'm not convinced that this can totally be implemented in a
> module.

#- File -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
#   Subject:    Structured Exception Handling Mechanism for Perl 6
#   Purpose:    Perl 5 Reference Implementation of RFC 88 functions.
#       This is a self-documenting self-testing implementation, in
#       Perl 5, of the functionality referred to in Perl 6 RFC 88,
#       with syntax modified as required by Perl 5.  Save in
#   Author:     Tony Olekshy
#               Principal Software Architect
#               Avra Software Lab Inc.
#   Copyright:  Avra Software Lab Inc, 1999-2000.

use strict;     $Try::VERSION = ""; # 2000-08-26


    This document assumes a certain familiarity with [RFC-88].

    26 regression tests can be found herein at /#- Regress/.

    To run the regression tests, use one of:

        perl -we "use Try regress => 1"
        perl -we "use Try regress => 2"
        perl -we "use Try regress => 1, test => 'syntax-1'"
        perl -we "use Try regress => 2, test => 'syntax-1'"

    If regress => !0 is specified, regression test are run at import
    time.  If regress => 2, detailed output is generated, otherwise
    successes report as a single output line.  If test => "syntax-1"
    is specified, only test "syntax-1" is run (see /!syntax-1/ for
    this example).

    To run manual tests, perl -w, where looks like:

        use strict;
        use Try;
        try sub { throw Exception "Foo" },
        catch sub { print "$@[0]\n" };


    use Try;

    exception 'Alarm';

    try sub {};
    try sub {}, catch                 sub {};
    try sub {}, catch "Foo" =>        sub {};
    try sub {}, catch "Foo", "Bar" => sub {};
    try sub {}, catch sub {} =>       sub {};

    try sub {}, finally sub {};

    throw Alarm "Can't foo.";


    This reference implementation is written for readability,
    testability, and distributability.  A production version
    would be optimized for performance.  The syntax has been
    chosen to make the reference implementation simple, not to
    suggest a preferred syntax for the constructs of RFC 88.

    The exception, try, catch, and finally "keywords" are exported
    to the invoker's package.  Try and Exception packages are
    defined, the latter of which contains the base class for
    exception objects.

    The current unwind stack is kept in @@; $@[0] is current
    exception, due to Perl 5 constraints on $@ inside eval.
    While unwinding, $@ is join("\n",@@)."\n".

    This implementation uses explicit subs in the syntax for try,
    catch, and finally clauses, due to Perl 5 parser constraints.

    Catch clauses that list exception class names take a list of
    quoted-string class names, due to Perl 5 parser constraints.

    Lexical scope is not shared between clauses, as per Perl 5.
    Clauses are closures, not blocks, so @_ == () therein.
    Clauses are eval'd, therefore $@ eq "" therein.  Use $@[0].
    Local gotos across unwind-semanitics blocks have not been tested.
    Dead-code catch clauses are not currently detected by engine.
    Note that: try {}; finally {}; will ignore the finally! It should
    be written try {}, finally {};  This would, presumably, be solved
    by parser extensions in Perl 6.

    Full exception statement functionality is not yet available.

    Mechanism hooks are not yet implemented.

=head1 ISSUES

    Get rid of the sub on the sub {} terms.

    $@ should equal $@[0] inside the clause blocks, not "".




# Interface -------------------------------------------------------------

package Try;

    sub exception { &_exception; return undef;      }

    sub try       { return &_try;                   }

    sub catch     { return (_catch   => @_);        }

    sub finally   { return (_finally => @_);        }

    sub Hook      { return &_Hook;                  }

package Exception;

    sub new       { $_[0]->_construct(@_[1..$#_]);  }

    sub throw     { $_[0]->_throw(    @_[1..$#_]);  }

package main;

    @@ = ();      # Used for unwind-time exception stack.

# Implementation [ Try ] ------------------------------------------------

package Try;

$Try::Debug     = 0;    # Set this to include Try subs in traceback.
$Try::Trace     = 0;    # Set this to trace flow control logic.
$Try::Force     = 0;    # Set this to force regression temp file writes.
$Try::Temp = "=regress";# Temp file name for regression test capture.

my $_depth      = 0;    # Keeps track of nested trys for inits.
my $_stack      = "";   # Formatted version of current @@.

sub import
    # Invoked by "use Try" to install the Try mechanism into a package.
    my ($pkg, %opt) = @_;

    # Install new "keywords" into caller's package.
    my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{caller(0)."::"} };

    map { ${$stash}{$_} = $::{"Try::"}{$_} }

        qw( exception try catch finally );

    # Process options given to "use Try".
    defined $opt{debug} and $Try::Debug ||= $opt{debug};

    # Run regression tests if requested.
    $opt{regress} and _regress($opt{regress}, $opt{test});

sub _exception
    # Declares a class that interits from Exception.
    $Try::Trace and print "exception: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";

    #--> Complex exceptions are not yet implemented.

    do { no strict 'refs'; @{"${_[0]}::ISA"} = ('Exception'); };

sub _try
    # Structured exception handling engine: process try statement.
    my (@args) = @_;

    $Try::Trace and print "try: ", join(", ", @args), "\n";

    $_depth++ or @@ = ();  # Danger???

    # Evaluate the try clause trapping exceptions.
    my (@Result, $result);

    wantarray ? (@Result = _handle(shift @args))
              : ($result = _handle(shift @args));

    # Process the try's catch and finally clauses:
    my $skipping = 0;   # Skipping catches until next finally.

    Clause: while (@args) {

        my $arg = shift @args;

        # Look after catch clauses...
        if ($arg eq "_catch") {

            my @cNames = ();  my ($test, $closure);

            # Pick off class name args up to next closure.
            while (@args && ref $args[0] ne "CODE") {

                $arg = shift @args;

                if (ref $arg) {

                    &_error("Expecting string, found \"$arg\".");

                    last Clause;

                push @cNames, $arg;

            # Pick off the catch closure.
            if (ref $args[0] eq "CODE") {

                $closure = shift @args;

                # If two closures and no @cNames: test closure.
                if (!@cNames and ref $args[0] eq "CODE") {

                    $test = $closure; $closure = shift @args;
            else {
                &_error("Expecting sub but found \"" .
                    (@args ? $args[0] : "<nothing>") . "\".");

                last Clause;

            # We have a catch clause!
            # Do nothing if not unwinding or skipping catches.
            next Clause if @@ == 0 || $skipping;

            # Otherwise, determine whether or not to invoke...
            if (@cNames) {      # Check isa relationships.

                next Clause unless grep { $@[0]->isa($_) } @cNames;

            if ($test) { # Check the test closure.

                my $before = @@;  # To see if $closure dies.

                my $t = _handle($test);

                @@ > $before and $skipping = 1;

                next Clause if $skipping || ! $t;

            # If we got this far, invoke the catch closure.
            my $before = @@;    # To see if $closure dies.


            @@ == $before and @@ = ();  # Cleanly Caught!

            $skipping = 1;      # Skip clauses 'till finally.

        # Look after finally clauses...
        elsif ($arg eq "_finally") {

            $skipping = 0;      # Stop catch clause skipping.

            my $closure = shift @args;

            unless (ref $closure eq "CODE") {

                &_error("Expecting sub but found \"$closure\".");

                last Clause;

            # Invoke the finally closure, exceptions simply stacked.

        # Right, anything else and we're out'a here.
        else {
            &_error("Expecting catch or finally but found \"$arg\".");

            last Clause;

    # The try statement is complete.  Handle unwinding stuff...
    $_depth -= 1;

    @@ or $_stack = "";

    # Unless the unwind stack is empty, we are to unwind.
    if (@@) {

        local $::SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};

        die ($_stack = join("\n", @@) . "\n");

    # Else we haven't unwound; return result of the try clause.
    return wantarray ? @Result : $result;

sub _handle
    # Invoke a closure and trap any unwinding thereunder.
    my ($closure, @rest) = @_;  my (@Result, $result);

    $Try::Trace > 1 and print "_handle: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";

    unless (ref $closure eq "CODE") {

        &_error("Expecting closure but found \"$closure\".");


    # Evaluate closure trapping unwinding.
    local $::SIG{__DIE__} = \&_diewrap; 

    wantarray ? (@Result = eval { &{$closure}(@rest) })
              : ($result = eval { &{$closure}(@rest) });

    # Wrap exceptions raised by "die" (but not by "throw").
    $@ && "$@" ne $_stack
        &_push(Exception::Try::Wrap::Die->new("$@", data => $@));

    return wantarray ? @Result : $result;

sub _diewrap
    # A $::SIG{__DIE__} that handles die seperate from throw.
    my ($e) = @_;  my @args = ();

    $Try::Trace and print "_diewrap: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";

    !ref $e && $e =~ s/ at (.*? line \d+)//s
        push(@args, debug => $1);

    throw Exception::Try::Wrap::Die "$e", @args;

sub _throwhook
    # Used by Exception class's throw to die in a detectable way.
    my ($e) = @_;

    # Make a note of the exception being thrown (on the unwind stack).

    # And unwind.
    local $::SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};

    die ($_stack = join("\n", @@) . "\n");

sub _error
    # Convenience routine used by try to wrap syntax errors.
    $Try::Trace and print "_error: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";


sub _push
    # Invoked by try whenever it wants to stack an exception.
    my ($e) = @_;

    $Try::Trace > 1 and print "_push: ", ref $e, " [$e]\n";

    ref $e && $e->isa("Exception")
        $e = Exception::Try::Wrap->new("$e", data => $e);

    unshift @@, $e;

    $e->{trace} or $e->snapshot;

sub _Hook
    # Perl 5 interface to on_catch_enter et al hooks.
    # --> Not yet implemented.
    $Try::Trace and print "Hook: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";

# Implementation [ Exception ] ------------------------------------------

package Exception;

@Exception::Try::ISA            = ('Exception');
@Exception::Try::Syntax::ISA    = ('Exception::Try');
@Exception::Try::Wrap::ISA      = ('Exception::Try');
@Exception::Try::Wrap::Die::ISA = ('Exception::Try::Wrap');

sub _construct
    bless {message => @_[1..$#_]}, ref $_[0] || $_[0];

sub _throw
    $Try::Trace and print "throw: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";

    my $I = shift;  my $e = ref $I ? $I : $I->new(@_);

    &Try::_throwhook($e);       # Die in a detectable way.

use overload '""' => sub
    return "[" . (ref $_[0]) . "] " . $_[0]->{message};

sub snapshot
    my ($I) = @_; $I->{trace} = "";

    for (my $level = 0; ; $level += 1) {

        my @F = caller($level);  @F or last;

        next if !$Try::Debug && $F[1] =~ /$/;

        $I->{trace} .= "$F[3] called from $F[1]\[$F[2]].\n";

# Implementation [ Regression Tests ] -----------------------------------

package Try;

sub _regress
    my ($level, $which) = @_;  my $count = 0;

    print " $Try::VERSION Regression Tests...\n\n";

    !$Try::Force && -f $Try::Temp
        die "Temp file \"$Try::Temp\" already exists,";

    select STDERR; $| = 1; print STDERR "";
    select STDOUT; $| = 1; print STDOUT "";

    $Try::_Tests =~ s/#.*//mg;

    foreach my $test ( split(/^!/m, $Try::_Tests) ) {

        # Parse out the test input and expected result.
        next unless $test =~/\S/;       $count += 1;

        $test =~ s/(.*)\n\s+=expect\s*\n(.*)/$1/s
            die "=expect section missing in test:\n$test";

        my ($input, $expect) = ($1, $2);

        $input =~ s/^(.*?)\n//s or die;  my $title = $1;

        $title =~ s/^(\S+)\s+(.*)/$2/s or die;  my $tag = $1;

        next if $which && $which ne $tag;

        # Wrap the test code into its own little package.
        (my $package = $tag) =~ s/\W/_/g;

        $input = "package Try::Test::$package; "
               . "use strict; use Try; \$Try::Trace = 0;\n"
               . $input;

        # Run the test code collecting print output into temp file.
        open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die;
        open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR") or die;

        0 and *SAVEOUT = *SAVEERR; # Avoid used only once warnings.

        open(STDOUT, ">$Try::Temp")
            die "Can't write to \"$Try::Temp\", $!";

        eval $input;  $@ and die "Test $tag died.\n$@";

        close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");
        close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");

        # Read back the test's print output.
        local *RESULT;

        open(RESULT, $Try::Temp)
            die "Can't read \"$Try::Temp\", $!";

        my $result = do { local $/; <RESULT> };  close RESULT;

        unlink $Try::Temp or die;

        # Fixups so that tests match normally variable stuff.
        foreach ($input, $expect, $result) {

            s/^\s+|\s+$//sg;  s/^\s+//mg;       # White space.

            s/\b0x[0-9a-f]+/0xcafebabe/g;       # Addresses.

            s/\[\d+\]/[?]/g;                    # Line numbers.

            s/\(eval \d+\)/(eval ?)/g;          # Eval depth.

            s/^(Try::import called) from.*/$1./m; # perl -e.

        # Format up the results of this test...
        my $match = $result eq $expect;

        printf "=== %-4s %-12s %s\n",
            $match ? "Ok:" : "Bad:", $tag, $title;

        $level >= 2
            print "=== Test:\n$input\n";

            print "=== Expected:\n$expect\n=== Received:\n$result\n\n";

        $match && $level >= 2
            print "=== Result:\n$result\n\n";

    print "\ Regression Tests Done ($count tests).\n";

#- Regression Tests --#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#

$Try::_Tests = <<'_END_TESTS_';

!syntax-1       Basic syntax.

    $Try::Trace = 1;    # Show top-level statement "parsing".

    exception 'Alarm';

    try sub {};
    try sub {}, catch                 sub {};
    try sub {}, catch "Foo" =>        sub {};
    try sub {}, catch "Foo", "Bar" => sub {};
    try sub {}, catch sub {} =>       sub {};

    try sub {}, finally sub {};

    eval { throw Alarm "Can't foo."; }; print "$@\n";


    exception: Alarm
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe)
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe), _catch, CODE(0xcafebabe)
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe), _catch, Foo, CODE(0xcafebabe)
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe), _catch, Foo, Bar, CODE(0xcafebabe)
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe), _catch, CODE(0xcafebabe), CODE(0xcafebabe)
    try: CODE(0xcafebabe), _finally, CODE(0xcafebabe)
    throw: Alarm, Can't foo.
    [Alarm] Can't foo.

!syntax-2       Basic syntax error.

    eval { try "Foo"; }; print "$@\n";


    [Exception::Try::Syntax] Expecting closure but found "Foo".

!syntax-3       Bad clause arguments.

    eval { try sub {}, catch Foo => "Bar"; }; print "$@\n";
    eval { try sub {}, catch [] => sub {}; }; print "$@\n";
    eval { try sub {}, finally "Foo";      }; print "$@\n";


    [Exception::Try::Syntax] Expecting sub but found "<nothing>".
    [Exception::Try::Syntax] Expecting string, found "ARRAY(0xcafebabe)".
    [Exception::Try::Syntax] Expecting sub but found "Foo".

!catch-1        Catch clause succeeds.

    try sub {
        try sub { throw Exception "1" },
        catch sub { print "$@[0]\n"; };
    catch sub {
        print "BAD TEST: $@[0]\n";


    [Exception] 1

!catch-2        Catch clause throws.

    try sub {
        try   sub { throw Exception "1" },
        catch sub { throw Exception "2" },
    catch sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n";


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!die-1          Try clause dies.

    try sub {
        try sub { die "Exception 1" },
        catch sub {
            print "$@[0]", "\tContext: $@[0]->{debug}\n";
    catch sub {
        print "BAD TEST: $@[0]\n";


    [Exception::Try::Wrap::Die] Exception 1.
        Context: (eval ?) line 4

!die-2          Catch clause dies.

    try sub {
        try   sub { die "Exception 1" },
        catch sub { die "Exception 2" },
    catch sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n";


    [Exception::Try::Wrap::Die] Exception 2.
    [Exception::Try::Wrap::Die] Exception 1.

!cascade-1      Multiple catches, first is clean.

    try   sub { throw Exception "1"; },
    catch sub { print "A: $@[0]\n";  },
    catch sub { print "B: $@[0]\n";  };


    A: [Exception] 1

!cascade-2      Multiple catches, first throws.

    try sub {
        try   sub { throw Exception "1"; },
        catch sub { throw Exception "2"; },
        catch sub { print "B: $@[0]\n";  };
    catch sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n";


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!test-1         Conditional catches, first matches.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch sub { 1 } => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch              sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    A: [Exception] 1

!test-2         Conditional catches, first doesn't match.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch sub { 0 } => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch              sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    B: [Exception] 1

!test-3         Conditional catch, test throws.

    try sub {
        try sub {
            throw Exception "1";
        catch sub { throw Exception "2"; }
           => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n";  },
        catch sub { print "B: $@[0]\n";  };
    catch sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n";


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!test-4         Conditional catch based on $@[0].

    try sub {
        my $x = 0; my $y = 1 / $x;
    catch sub { $@[0] =~ /root of negative/ }
       => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch sub { $@[0] =~ /division by zero/ }
       => sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch sub { print "C: $@[0]\n"; };


    B: [Exception::Try::Wrap::Die] Illegal division by zero.

!isa-1          Catch by ISA matches.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch "Exception" => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch                sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    A: [Exception] 1

!isa-2          Catch by ISA doesn't match.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch "Foo" => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch          sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    B: [Exception] 1

!isa-3          Catch by ISA list matches.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch "Foo", "Exception", "Bar" => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch                              sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    A: [Exception] 1

!isa-4          Catch by ISA list doesn't match.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch                        sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; };


    B: [Exception] 1

!isa-5          Catch by ISA, middle catch matches.

    try sub {
        throw Exception "1";
    catch "Foo"       => sub { print "A: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch "Exception" => sub { print "B: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch "Bar"       => sub { print "C: $@[0]\n"; },
    catch                sub { print "D: $@[0]\n"; };


    B: [Exception] 1

!finally-1      Basic finally clause.

    try sub { print "Foo" }, finally sub { print ", Bar.\n" };


    Foo, Bar.

!finally-2      Finally clause, try throws.

    try sub {
        try sub { throw Exception "1" },
        finally sub { print "Finally\n"};
    catch sub { print join("\n", @@), "\n"; };


    [Exception] 1

!finally-3      Finally clause, finally throws.

    try sub {
        try     sub { throw Exception "1" },
        finally sub { throw Exception "2" };
    catch sub { print join("\n", @@), "\n"; };


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!finally-4      Multiple finally clauses.

    try sub {
        try     sub { throw Exception "1" },
        finally sub { throw Exception "2" },
        finally sub { throw Exception "3" },
        finally sub { throw Exception "4" };
    catch sub { print join("\n", @@), "\n"; };


    [Exception] 4
    [Exception] 3
    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!finally-5      Finally resets catch skipping.

    try sub {
        try     sub { throw Exception "1"   },
        catch   sub { throw Exception "2"   },
        catch   sub { throw Exception "BAD" },
        finally sub { throw Exception "3"   },
        catch   sub { throw Exception "4"   };
    catch sub { print join("\n", @@), "\n"; };


    [Exception] 4
    [Exception] 3
    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1

!result-1       Basic return value.

    my $result = try sub { "Foo" };

    print "result: $result\n";


    result: Foo

!trace-1        Basic Perl stack traceback.

    try     sub { throw Exception "1" },
    finally sub { throw Exception "2" },
    catch   sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n--\n", $@[0]->{trace} , "\n";


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1
    Exception::throw called from (eval ?)[?].
    Try::try called from (eval ?)[?].
    Try::import called.
    main::BEGIN called from (eval ?)[?].
    (eval) called from (eval ?)[?].

!trace-2        Stack traceback with internals.

    $Try::Debug = 1;

    try     sub { throw Exception "1" },
    finally sub { throw Exception "2" },
    catch   sub {
        print join("\n", @@), "\n--\n", $@[0]->{trace} , "\n";


    [Exception] 2
    [Exception] 1
    Exception::snapshot called from[?].
    Try::_push called from[?].
    Try::_throwhook called from[?].
    Exception::_throw called from[?].
    Exception::throw called from (eval ?)[?].
    Try::Test::trace_2::__ANON__ called from[?].
    (eval) called from[?].
    Try::_handle called from[?].
    Try::_try called from[?].
    Try::try called from (eval ?)[?].
    (eval) called from[?].
    Try::_regress called from[?].
    Try::import called.
    main::BEGIN called from (eval ?)[?].
    (eval) called from (eval ?)[?].


1;#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- End of -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#

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