At 08:11 PM 8/15/00 +0000, David L. Nicol wrote:
>What if "try" were implied by the appearance of "catch" keywords, which
>expire at the close of their block?
>         catch [EXCEPTION [, ...] ] BLOCK
>         ,...
>         BLOCK

This is definitely a nifty concept that strikes me as very Perlish.  At 
least to begin with.

>the block would become:
>{       # prepare to call foo()
>         catch Exception::MyDB, Exception::DBI {
>            close_database();
>            # other stuff
>         }
>         catch Exception::IO {
>            close_network_connection();
>            # other stuff
>         }
>         catch {
>            my $err = shift;
>            warn "Some other kind of error in foo: $err\n";
>            throw $err;      # Re-throw exception (just 'cuz we wanted to)
>         }
>         foo();
>The reason is, this way, we don't have to keep track of, are we in
>a try or not, while running.  We always are.  An error happens, we
>back out of blocks until we find an appropriate catch if any.  Retrying
>can be done with (failure coutners and) recursion or GOTOs.
>I believe that "try" occurs in C++ to mark the enclosed block as requiring
>special handling regarding stack unwinding.  Since the perl stack is
>different than a C++ stack, we may not need to specify "try."


>Would someone please enlighten me as to the purpose of an explicit "try."

Well, for one, it makes it easier to see that a block is subject to 
exception handling if all you have to do is look at the beginning for 'try' 
rather than scan through it for a 'catch'.  And there's the issue Jonathan 
Scott Duff raised, which is that the question of which catch blocks will be 
applied in what order is non-obvious to the user, even though there may be 
a well-defined interpretation.

It's definitely something to think about, though.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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