>I want last, next, etc. to magically work where I want them to:

>  do {
>    last if /booger/;
>    ...
>  } while ( ... );

Special cased for postfix modifiers, or generalized?  If so,
what's the return value?

    $x = TERM OP  do  { BLOCK }  OP TERM;

Actually, these are all pretty similar in that regard:

    do   { BLOCK } 
    eval { BLOCK } 
    sub  { BLOCK } 

In that do{} and eval{} both do the same thing--run that code
now--but that eval{} traps exceptions.  sub{}, meanwhile, returns
a handle to that block for subsequence execution.   Or you could
say that eval{} and sub{} both do the same thing insofar as return
will exit either of them, but return does not work on do{}.

            run when?           trap exceptions?        exit via?

    do        now                   no                    ---
    eval      now                  yes                    return
    sub      later                  no                    return 

Actually, you *can* last out of an eval{} or a sub{}, but only
in the case that they themselves had a real loop in dynamic scope.
It's not an immediate "return from this named block wherever I am",
though, as it depends on whether there are loops inside the sub and
whether there are any outside of it.

One could argue that do{} should take return so it might have a value,
but this will definitely annoy the C programmers.


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