At 11:21 AM 8/31/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >I want last, next, etc. to magically work where I want them to:

I too want last to work in do loops.

> >  do {
> >    last if /booger/;
> >    ...
> >  } while ( ... );
>Special cased for postfix modifiers, or generalized?  If so,
>what's the return value?

If anyone cared about the return value from a broken do loop, we could 
always say it was undef.  Or cook up some scheme where you could say

         last [LABEL] [retval]

where retval could be recognized by being a reference or something 
obviously not a label.

I dunno, maybe a last in a do block whose value is used by something should 
be a syntax error.  We're talking about code like

         $x += do { $y = get_num; last if $y == 99; $y } while defined $y;

right?  *Shudder*
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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