Peter Scott writes:
 > I dunno, maybe a last in a do block whose value is used by
 > something should be a syntax error.  We're talking about code like
 >     $x += do { $y = get_num; last if $y == 99; $y } while defined $y;
 > right?  *Shudder*

Yes, but we're also talking about code like

  sub foo {
    do {
      last unless $x;
    } while ($x < 20);

Here, the return value of do is used as the return value of foo, but
we may not actually care what foo returns.  Do you want to make that a
syntax error?  (Of course, you could use 'return' instead of 'last' in
this example, but that gets you some weird special cases.  "You mean I
can use 'last' in a do loop, unless the do loop happens to be the last
statement in a subroutine?"  And you can't use 'return' to substitute
for 'next'.)

Chris Madsen          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TRX Technology Services                                 (214) 346-4611

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