Think of it this way: you're asking that when you write

    return WHATEVER;

(for various values of WHATEVER) that *sometimes* it's context
dependent, and sometimes it's not.  Right now, it always is,
which is more consistent, predictable, and explainable than the

Or maybe you're asking for the scalar comma operator to no longer
return its right-hand operand, which would at best be inconsistent
with C.

The distance of the context doesn't matter.  If I write

    return fx();

and sub fx in turn uses 

    return fy();

and sub fy in turn uses 

    return fz();

Then all the way down in fz(), you still inherit the context from 
many stack frames above you.

You can argue that context dependency is a bad thing, and that
argument would in fact carry some weight.  I doubt it would be
enough to sway Larry, who has some very fine reasons of his own to
have context, but nonetheless, there's certainly something to be
said for it.  (Though I haven't seen an RFC yet proposing that
context be eliminated.)


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