At 06:49 AM 9/3/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >       sub fn { return (3,5,7) }
> >       $x = fn;        # I want  $x==3
>Why should it return the first one?  It returns the last one!
>It's just doing what you told it, which was:
>     $x = 3;
>     $x = 5;
>     $x = 7;

It does?  What's happening here, then?

$ cat /tmp/foo
#!/usr/bin/perl -wl

package MaiTai;
sub TIESCALAR { bless \$_[1] }
sub FETCH     { print "FETCH"; $$_[0] }
sub STORE     { print "STORE: ", $$_[0] = $_[1] }

package main;
sub fn { return (3, 5, 7) }
tie $x, 'MaiTai';
$x = fn;
$ /tmp/foo

Why don't I see three STOREs?

>and you're left with 7.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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