>>>>> "JE" == Jon Ericson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JE> =item 33 (v1): Eliminate bareword filehandles. (language)
JE> No discussion.

I think it carried unanimously.

JE> =item 36 (v1): Structured Internal Representation of Filenames
JE> (internal)

JE> No discussion of the proposal that "Wherever Perl internally uses
JE> filenames (in a very inclusive sense: filenames, directory names,
JE> whatever) the components of the file name should be stored in a
JE> platform-neutral structured format."  It also included: "A vague
JE> possibility: the proposed internal format could be designed to be
JE> flexible enough to present also URLs/URIs."

Are URIs sufficiently descriptive?

JE> Chaim also expressed concern that overloading < and > would create
JE> confusion for perl and programmers.  I said that they would simply
JE> replace the file-globbing mode found in perl 5.

Please adjust that. My concern was for the parsing of some arbitrary
complex expression.

Hmm, I'll offer this as an alternative  <{ hairy expression }>

Then the parser can switch to block, and then discover it has to switch
the previously assumed less than into a <> operator.

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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