At 04:40 PM 9/5/00 -0700, Jon Ericson wrote:
>Bart Lateur wrote:
> > For input, the handle is marked as a source:
> >
> >         $data = <STDIN>;
> >
> > In order to be symmetrical, your ousput handle should look and act like
> > a sink:
> >
> >         >STDOUT< = $data;
> >
> > There. Now it's symmetrical.
>         <STDOUT> = $data;
>is symmetrical.

Hmm, that has a certain elegance.  Now, <> has line-oriented semantics for 
input, so what does it do, line-wise, on output?  Automatically append 
$/?  Have we finally found a way to put println in Perl?  (Ducks)

>   I am considering this as a possible addition to RFC 51:
>         <STDOUT, $fh> = $data; # print to tty and file

I am not so crazy about this part though.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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