>       * Have to use ugly globref syntax to pass them around reliably.

No, you don't.  You can use globs.   But only if you don't have
prototypes, like sub opt(*).

>       * Not first-class objects, so you can't subclass them.

That's not a good argument.  I can't subclass a number, either, nor 
a function or format for that matter.

But what do you mean you can't subclass them?  And what pray tell is
a "first class object"?  Please define "first class".

>       * Special syntax to reassign STDOUT, instead of just $STDOUT = $foo.

What do you mean by "reassign to standard output"?  Do you mean 
that file descriptor #1 should be pointing to a new place?


    open(STDOUT, ">filename")
    open(STDOUT, ">&FH")
    open(STDOUT, ">&=FH")
    *STDOUT = *FH

are all *very* different beasties.  What are you thinking that this
mythical assignment should be doing?

>       * Stupid "gensym" tricks to create unique names.

There is nothing "stupid" about using Symbol::gensym() to generate
unique symbols.  That is, after all, its purpose.

However, why you are doing so for filehandles is unclear in the extreme.
Do you *truly* need a new and unique name?  I'd like to see such code.
Why?  For error reporting?

Otherwise, there's no reason not to do:

    local *FH;
    return open(FH, "blah") && *FH;

or, for that matter, using lexical filehandles:

    my $fh;
    return open($fh, "blah") && $fh;

>       * Do they even *get* garbage-collected they way real objects do???

Of course not.  If you want to bless() them into something, though,
you may, and get a DESTROY() to trigger.

Wait: you mean "the way real variables do"?   That is, when they go
out of use/scope?  Of course they do, irrespective of which of the
two mechanisms I showed above 

>       * STDOUT->flush barfs if you don't "use FileHandle" first; sheesh.

Perl doesn't have built-in methods there: true.  Perhaps you 
are proposing an implicit autoload?

>       * The "tiehandle" mechanism (blech). 

Blech what?

>You can't even say that there's more typing involved to make
>the change, since both columns have the same number of characters,
>and the righthand-side is a lot easier to understand:

>       print STDOUT "Hi";      print $STDOUT "Hi";

It is?  What's easier to understand?  I presume that STDOUT is
merely a class that has a print method--or, if it sucks to be you,
perhaps a function that returns a valid invocant.  Think of STDOUT
to be a subclass of something, something, I suppose, like FileHandle.

>Scalars hold references to objects.  Filehandles should, ultimately, 
>be objects, as should directory handles.

I haven't yet seen anybody yet propose bifurcating {file,directory}handles.
This would certainly be nice.


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