Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It is proposed that the Perl 6 regular expression engine be extended to
> allow a regex to match against an incremental character source, rather than
> only against a fixed string.
> Specifically, it is proposed that a subroutine reference could be bound
> to a regular expression:
>       sub {...} =~ /pattern/;

Maybe what we really want is lazily evaluated strings... These could
be useful in more situations than regex matching.

But then, a "string" is just a list of one thing...

Which leads me to something I've felt I wanted on several occasions:
to match, regex-style, vectors of other things besides characters.
If I could do 

                @tokens =~ /^[ab](de|fg)hi$/

where 'a'..'i' match elements of the list on the lhs,
i.e. typically whole lines of text, ^ anchors to the beginning
of the list, etc.  The one time when I really felt I couldn't live
without this, I ended up hashing the input strings to characters
in 0..255, so that I could use actual regexes.  Not only was it
a pain, but a hash space of 256 made me claustrophobic.

John Porter

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