>While I agree that /l is bad, I think going through the crap of "= () ="
>is even worse. Does it work? Yes. But is it easily usable and fun, even
>for non-experts? No.

Oh, for crying out loud--at some point, you have to stop tossing
rotting fish for the starving ignorant and actually get them to 
LEARN something.  Or let them die of starvation.

Note the difference between

    my $var = func();


    my($var) = func();

Those are completely different in that they call func() in scalar
and list contexts.  Why?  Because of hte presence or absence of (),
of course.  If they can't learn that adding () to the LHS of an
assignment makes it list context, then they will be forever miserable.

Perl does context.  Perl does *IMPLICIT* context.  Cope.


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