Redirected to -strict to save the sanity of thousands of people who don't care.

At 03:48 PM 2/16/01 -0800, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > Its a fine rationale, but I'm very, very loathe to implicitly split
> > Perl into two seperate languages based on what the filename is.
>Why? Its not the filename, its how its used -
>         require("A"); # library - strict, warnings on
>         use A;        # library - strict, warnings on
>         do "A"        # library - strict, warnings on but who cares, do is
>                       # hardly ever used.
>         eval("\$a = '1'");    # code - strict off
>The functionality for adding 'strict' and 'warnings' would be added onto use
>and require.

This is, what's the word I'm looking for... nuts.  We split code into 
modules for purposes of reuse, not because it's somehow more worthy of 
error checking.  I don't want to have to remember this invisible 
action-at-a-vast-distance rule to figure out why code in different places 
behaves differently wrt pragmas.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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