[ moved to perl6-language ]

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 02:40:20PM -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
>  -> Obsolete Features 
>     -> 1. Formats are not commonly used ....
>I'm sorry where did this come from. I use formats regularly and quite
>I suspect that those folks that haven't gone through the grist of
>COBOL or some other mainframe reporting language just don't get how
>useful it really is.

I used to use them lots, but I've kind of stopped since I started using
strict for all my scripts.

I get the impression that those who used Perl 4 still like formats, and
would like them to work.  However, those who started with Perl 5 and web
development tend not to use it.  Lots of people use templating tools
like mjd's Text::Template module, instead.

>Unless you replace it with something better. (Postscript or TeX or ...)
>You'll have a hard time finding something that makes life so easy.

How about a Format module that works pretty much exactly the same way
but isn't actually in the Perl core?

>  -> Unixcentrism
>     -> 1.PROBLEM: localtime's behaviour is non-intuitive for non-Unix people
>How can this be changed and still preserve any semblence of backward

By adding a Date module to the standard library and encouraging its use?


Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
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